
    Why Adriatica?

    Why Adriatica?

    The Mediterranean as it once was... One of the promotional slogans says about this part of the world "the Mediterranean - as it once was" - and that is pure truth. Indeed - it is rare to find such preserved old towns with all their history and culture, unique monuments of the ancient Mediterranean.

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    Why Adriatica?

    People and culture

    People and culture

    Being in the center has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Adriatica was always influenced by different peoples, imperators, vladars, rulers... there is richness of different cultures, habits, lifestyles... Remains of Diocletian palace still stand in the city of Split, showing its 2000 years old architecture. Arena in Pula is better preserved than Romaean Colloseum.

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    People and culture

    Facts and figures

    Facts and figures

    Interesting facts and figures about Adriatica countries.

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    Facts and figures

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