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    Korčula island

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    32000 m2


    12 EUR

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    Fantastic view

    Fantastic view



    1000 m


    2000 m


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    We will agree - Croatia is a really beautiful country, especially its coastal part. The total length of contact between land and sea is over 6,000 kilometers

    The people who govern Croatia naturally want to preserve that beautiful nature. The construction of residential buildings is allowed only in existing settlements.

    In areas that have a perspective for the development of agriculture, very limited construction is allowed - buildings that are used for the production of agricultural products.

    So - if such an idea seems attractive to you - you can in a way have your own very luxurious real estate - together with agricultural production.

    The law views this very positively - because this is how large, unorganized lands are cultivated. The production of Mediterranean products is increasing - olive oil, wine, fruit, aromatic herbs, sheep's and goat's cheese and the like...

    The minimum area of ​​agricultural land that you must bring into operation is 30,000m2. On such land, you can build a commercial and residential building - a maximum size of 1,000 m2 underground (wine cellar and similar), and 400 m2 above ground.

    Projects like this are not cheap, so you will decide on something like this if you have a minimum of 2 million euros.

    But yes - the result can be spectacular...

    Here - above the town of Prižba, the island of Korčula - we offer you several such plots... From a minimum of 30,000m2 to over 200,000m2 - if you want...

    So - it's not about playing around with the law. NO - God forbid... In fact, by cultivating such areas you will be a hero in the eyes of the local and state authorities...

    And you will provide yourself with active vacations - at your ranch, hacienda or whatever you want to call it... More and more examples like this are being realized, all along the coast...

    So - if you are capable of such a project - get in touch...

    Ante Nevistić
    Adriatica Real Estate
    contact: +385 99 2018 000

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    Korčula island, Croatia

    About Korčula island

    KORCULA, an island in the central Dalmatian archipelago; area 279.03 sq km (length 46.8 km, width 5.3-7.8 km); population 17,000.

    The highest peak is Klupca (568 m).

    The climate is mild; an average air temperature in January is 9.8C (in the town of Korcula) and in July 26.9C; the average annual rainfall is 1,100 mm; the annual insolation reaches 2,671 hours (Vela Luka).

    The island is largely covered with the Mediterranean flora; at some places are pine forests.

    Economy is based on farming, viticulture, fruit growing, fishing and fish processing, shipbuilding, processing of synthetic materials and tourism.

    Summer tourism has a long tradition on the island; nautical tourism has been recently developed.

    The regional road connects major places on the island.

    Ferry lines connect the island of Korcula with the mainland.

    The centre of the island, the town of Korcula, with its cultural and historical heritage, its town ramparts (similar to those of Dubrovnik) ranks among the favourite tourist destinations in southern Croatia.

    280 km2


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